Sunday, December 28, 2008

Snakes Alive!

Well, he is so far.

I found this little guy (girl?) today while working on the yard. Normally I would have just picked him up to look and then sent him on his way. Except this one had an injury (bite wound or abscess) and since we were expecting bad weather tonight I brought him inside. I'll take him to my reptile-crazed friend at work tomorrow and see if she can fix him up until he's ready to go back into the wild. He's a little camera shy (it took about 15 shots to get a half decent one of him), but he's really sweet. He's probably confused, it's almost January and we've had 67-75 degree weather here in Memphis. Unusual, but not rare, we've learned to live with hot spells in the middle of January and snow in May on occasion. I do love the mild winters though!

1 comment:

T said...

Hey Katt, I haven't been around much, but wanted to wish you a Happy New Year. Hope this is a good one for you, and for all your rescues!

Snakes, ((shivers)) I admire them from a distance.

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