Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Sadie is doing great so far, she came through the surgery like a champ and seems to be feeling much, much better this morning. She's eating, head-butting and talking to me like she did before. It's amazing to me how they can go through so much (like having their guts cut open) and be perfectly fine less than 24 hours later. I'd be a whining baby for the rest of the week I know!

Thanks for the well-wishes, I really appreciated them!


T said...

Oh this is great news! It is amazing isn't! Animals handle things so much better then us humans.

I am so glad she is doing ok.

Phyllis said...

Hi, I found you through Joy in our Lives. I'm glad little kitty is doing well. And yes, it is amazing how strong they are; I draw strength from them. Humans are such wimps.

It's nice to meet another animal lover!

Anonymous said...

So glad she's doing better. I've got 4 going in for chiro tomorrow. Flurry's got me worried that something (non-chiro) is going on... that her downslide is starting just prior to her 12th b-day (next Thursday). I'm gonna take her in for bloodwork on the 21st. Kismet is going in tomorrow only for the 2nd time ever for chiro but I think something chronic is starting :( with her left elbow since that's the last time she went in, late last year.

It's always something!

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