Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Favorite Pundit

I love a guy that makes me laugh despite the discouraging subject matter. I know, I've gotten lazy and decided to rely on others to amuse. LOL!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Rainy Sundays and excuses

Everything's quiet for a change, and the rain is actually taking the edge off the suffocating heat that takes over every summer and doesn't stop until November. I should be upstairs, fixing up my office that I've been piddling at for two months now. I'm hoping that once I get the walls painted and the bookshelves up and my files organized that I'll feel settled enough to start writing again. I have no clue why I procrastinate and find everything else that needs doing (including naps) instead of what I used to call my passion, my burning desire.

I still love writing, playing with words and rhythms, creating characters and plots and letting them show me the way. And truth is once I get going and find myself in "the zone" not much else compares to that inner feeling of accomplishment and fulfilment. Then why don't I do it more often? Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe my mind is too muddled with everyday things that would get neglected if I sat upstairs for three hours (I'm indespensible excuse); maybe I'm too tired to think (most overused excuse); or maybe I'm not sure I'm any good at it and therefore wasting my time (I'm not worthy excuse).

So I'm on a quest to find a way to squash those excuses, make my muse get off her lazy behind and stop taking the Justification Highway to nowhere. I've had this inner desire too long for it to be just another of my "kicks," so I need to stop whining about it and start doing something about it.

Advice is always welcome, or if you just want to give me a swift kick in the backside to get me going, that's ok too. Off to set up the bookcase and get those writing books out of the attic...anyone know a motiviating color to paint the office?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Killer Opossums!

So, not really. I work at a vet's that rehabs wildlife so I got to raise a litter of opossum joeys. This is them after 4-5 weeks in our care (there are 10 of the little critters and they all survived) right before being taken to their new home in the wild. I'll miss you guys! LOL!

In the Beginning

Ok, so I've joined the blogging age. Not sure how this'll work out cuz for years I tried to keep a journal (a grown-up way to say friggin' diary) and it only lasts a week, maybe two. Usually during a break-up or when I was going away to college or some life-altering event like that. This time I think it's just for me to be able to get some of the random crap, uh, thoughts out of my head. Maybe it's cuz I'm getting older and more forgetful and this way I can pretend to have a memory.

Anyway, I realize I'm mainly talking to myself except for the friends I'll invite and the occassional stranger that stumbles onto my ramblings. I figure that if anyone accidentally finds this blog it'll be fate and that maybe something I've gone through or ranted about will help them out. If not, then at least it's a catharsis of some sort for me.
Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty