Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Better Mood

Not much time to blog, but things are much better since the last post. Thought I'd share a pic of another one of my crazy feline boys. This is Rockey (Sammy of a few posts back's brother) who is such a clown it's hard to be in a bad mood around him.

He is a remote control freak! You have to hide these things because he will not leave them alone. Just like a man.

'Empty space, must fill it' is Rockey's motto.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pass the Ammo...

Ok, it's been a bad day, well, mostly hectic day combined with not getting to go to lunch until 2:00 (being hungry really makes me cranky) and PMSing and being the only one in my area when the flood gates won't stop the oncoming waves. And it was rainy and cold to boot. So, you get the jest of my mood. (Note the squirrel. LOL)

I finally get on the computer tonight to chill out and what do I find in my email? Yet another of what seems to be a daily occurrence of political chain letters designed to scare, anger or inspire America's ignorant sheep to forgo the issues and support one candidate over the other due to rumor or out and out lies. And this isn't spam people, these emails are from folks I KNOW. Now I'm pretty darn sure everyone can guess that the current administrator and his band of evil doers aren't my favorite people. And the thought of another four to eight years of the same crap is what keeps me up at night.

That is why these stupid emails piss me off so much. Do people believe this stuff without checking it out at all? I'm guessing that's what they're designed to do, to make people gasp and declare that they must be voting the "right" way since "the other guy" is such a (insert the most scary, reprehensible, unpatriotic tripe). You people ever heard of fact-checking something before you distribute it to "as many people as you can!"? Snopes is an easy and reliable source if you'd just take two minutes and check. But I guess the truth doesn't really matter when the main point is to win at all costs.

And yes, I'm talking about my far right friends and their friends. I'm sure there are the same types of emails sent by whackos on the left too, but I have yet to receive any of those. Guess my fellow believers either don't have the time or the inclination to send this kind of garbage. Which leads me to the funny thing about this, they're not sending it to me as a "bleeding heart liberal" (which is hysterical too considering I'm merely a left-leaning moderate). No, I think that up until recently I've disguised my true political leanings and so they're sending it to me thinking I'm one of 'them'. (shudder) They're not trying to change minds, just solidify their rationale, to prove to themselves that they're the only ones who are "right". At least I hope so.

So tonight they caught me in just the right frame of mind. G

I replied to my friend (former now probably if he gets his panties in a wad) and cc'd the rest of the 50 or so twits who are constantly the original forwarders or forwardees that he gets his news from and keyed them in on a little secret. It's called the truth and I'm sure it'll be a shock to their delicate and tiny brains. Even though I doubt it'll do a damn thing to their black and white tunnel vision, it sure made me feel better.

And How Was Your Day?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Dogs, dogs and more dogs!

Wow, it's been a while, or so it seems. I've just been too damn tired to even get on the computer much less write something. I went to the St. Jude Showcase of Dogs yesterday and had a great time. It's a three day event with flyball competitions, obedience, earthdog and police dog demonstrations and dogs and their people everywhere! You'd think that I'd be sick to death of dogs since I work with them all day and then come home to my own pack. I must really be an animal person (or just legally insane). I always run into friends either at the booths or bringing their own pooches for a day out. I was prepared, camera in hand ready to get pics of all the great dogs, but alas, I only got one pic before the batteries in my camera died.

Oh, well, I'll improvise with random pics just to make things interesting. LOL! Anyway, I do have connections with this Dachshund Rescue after finding a poor old red girl wandering in the middle of the street. It was one of those divine guidance things where I was looking for a certain house and got myself turned around and went the wrong way and saw this pup staggering around in front of my car. No way I could leave her there (it was pretty cold and dachshunds aren't a hardy, cold-weather breed by any means). Since I already have a house full of critters there was no way this fragile girl would make it around here without getting stepped on 20 times a day by my well-meaning canine oafs, I contacted this rescue. Since 'Isabelle' was fairly old and had some health issues, they sent her to a permanent "foster" home where she will live out the rest of her life. They're really a great group, so if you're in the market for a dachshund, they had several cuties for adoption (that I tried to get pics of!)

Instead, you'll have to settle for pics of one of my dogs and his new friend. Mine is the fat little border collie mix, his friend is a co-worker's dog.

More on the St. Jude showcase later.
Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty