Monday, September 29, 2008

Death of a Legend

A great man and a great actor. I'm hankering to see Cat on A Hot Tin Roof, Butch and Sundance, Cool Hand Luke and The Sting now in his honor. This is the way I'll always want to remember him.

Friday, September 26, 2008

It's Friday!!!

A face only a mother could love? Nah, I think he's pretty cute and such a sweet soul. There's an advantage to working at a vet's office when you're an animal nut like me. And we get all kinds of creatures that aren't the typical dogs and cats, like this fella. Actually he belongs to one of my co-workers who is a snake/reptile/etc. nut (that's her below with him hitching a ride).

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fall Blooms

Finally my angel trumpet is starting to bloom! It's been so dry the last couple of summers that the poor thing barely puts out a couple of flowers at a time. Hopefully it'll grow like it's supposed to next summer and I can show you how gorgeous it can really be.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Surviving the Blahs

Been feeling kinda wrung out lately, got a case of the blahs and I'm super tired. Not sure what the cause is, or if there is one really, just life slamming me hard against the pavement...again. Anyway, I go online to post something and I find the blog of note and it's a literary agent's blog, (a pretty cute LA at that). So I'm reading over his blog and getting more excited about writing and getting published and he's got this whole list of great articles and tips and I'm hoping karma has intervened at the right moment, as she often tends to do, and sent me a sign of hope. I know, melodramatic much? LOL

I've got a three day weekend coming up and plan to immerse myself in his teachings and hopefully not get too overwhelmed or tired and actually do something with the info that is useful.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

RIP Patrick

I'll miss you big boy!

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty