More snow fell during the night, but alas, the sun is melting a lot of it off today. The weird thing is that it was 70 degrees Friday and the snow hit the next day. Freaky, but that's Memphis weather.
Anyway, this isn't normal for us to get this much snow, which is why I'm compelled to take pics. Usually we get more ice than snow, so this was nice, especially since no power outage this time!
There is a beauty in these snowy vistas. You've captured it well.
We have had enough here on the Minnesota tundra I'm ready for spring!
Thank you, and you're right, I'm sure it gets to be a real nusiance up there. I wasn't unhappy to see it go, btw, it was 70 degrees again yesterday and today. We get such swings in temps that it's a wonder I don't stay sick.
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