Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Animal-Related Blog

So I decided that I would start another blog. This one would be all animal, all the time! LOL! Actually it would be mostly for my cat adoptions/sanctuary, Rowdy's Rescues, but also for tips, advice, rants (sometimes), neat or informative articles and websites that I come across dealing with all types of animals.

I've been doing cat rescue for almost 20 years - I started as a mere babe though (wink). I want a place to share things I've learned about animals and maybe help others interested in rescue or just taking care of their own pet. I also hope I can learn a little bit too. It's called Rowdy Tales and I'll post the link here soon.

Oh, and the handsome namesake above is my first bonafided rescue and the love of my life. I had him almost 19 years and he's the reason I started taking in strays and the reason I still do.


Betty said...

He is beautiful; and, so very lucky you found and rescued him! I look forward to your new blog. We have three rescued toy poodles; but, I'm always interested in the cat stories. Take care.

Katt said...

Thanks Betty! Rowdy was about 4 months old when I got him from the local pound. He had frostbitten ears and nose and was being kept in a cage outside in February! He yelled and snagged me with a claw as if to say 'get me out of here kid, I'm serious!' I'll have to tell his story someday on my new blog. I also have three rescue doggies too, one who has a nifty story too. BTW, love your little fluffies - I never thought much about poodles until I got an opportunity to interact with them and they are a wonderful breed.

T said...

Hey Katt, I am looking forward to the new Blog. I keep checking it, but no posts yet.

By the way, I love the Mentalist too! Great show, and uh, yeah, mmmm, I'm sure you know the rest. :))

Katt said...

Hey T, I finally posted something to the other blog! LOL! I've got a three day weekend coming up and plan to work on some things for the animal blog. I always seem to put that darn cart before the horse.

Anonymous said...

The Mentalist, huh? Simon is so dreamy... alas, I haven't gotten into the show though Wayne watches it occasionally ;).

Katt said...

Hey Marls, glad it finally let you leave a comment! Yeah, I wasn't going to start watching a new show, but it's really cleverly done and he's some nice eye candy to boot. :)

Anonymous said...

*Definitely* with the eye candy. *g* He was the best part of The Devil Wears Prada bar none ;)

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty