Saturday, December 6, 2008

Is There a Cure for This?

Well, I don't really have writer's block, I just thought this LOL cat was adorable. Actually I have tons of ideas rebounding inside my thick skull, which is probably the problem. I have no idea which one I should isolate and try to make into something half-way readable. My real problem is that I have scraps of paper every freakin' where with story notes and almost full chapters written out that I can never seem to remember which notebook or drawer I stuck them in. I know, organization is my friend. I've found some notes and I'm getting ready to retype/edit them into a computer file so I won't have to worry about finding them again. I think tomorrow will be a good day for reorganizing my writing folders so at least I can find what I'm looking for. Sheesh. Sounds like another excuse NOT to write, eh? Wish I could blame my scatterbrainness (new word!) on the holidays or being blonde or something, but I'm guessing it's old age creeping up on me. Oh, wait, I've been this way since I was 15 so that's out too. Hmmm, maybe I should start a telethon for the incurably where did I put my notebook?


T said...

Very cute! I wish all I had was writers block! Unfortunately I have a lot to write about, but I have found too many people I know personally, read my blog, and some of the things I would like to write about, uh, are about them.:(

On a side now, I can't think about anything else but that darn kitten.
She did go half way in the trap just about 30 minutes ago, so I am getting closer.

Betty said...

Love the picture and the post; have a score of those notes myself. I think yours will result in more interesting blog posts than mine, though. Good luck with the organization.

Katt said...

T - I know what you mean! I sometimes need to vent but I'm afraid they'll recognize themselves. :) Though usually, they never get that they're the annoyance. And you're getting closer with the kitten! That's a good sign.

Katt said...

Hi Betty,
Yeah, the kitten is adorable and reminds me of my guys when I'm trying to work (sitting right on top of things). I have no problem coming up with blog topics usually, it's the fiction stories I'm trying to earn cash from that elude me.

Steve sculpts critters said...

Write a book about a paranoid schizophrenic with multiple personalities and how they meet their numerous counterparts in parallel universes.
Just incorporate your notes as you find them.

T said...

Hey Katt,
I posted an Award for you on my blog earlier today. If you want to play, feel free to pick it up. If you don't, I understand. I was supposed to do this a few weeks ago, but put it off. I didn't want to hurt the person's feelings that awarded it to me, so I finally posted it. :)

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty