Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Busy Days

Ok, I almost fell asleep waiting for these pictures to load, so, yeah, I'm tired. Been a bit busy at work and at home so I'm looking forward to the weekend!

We got in more wildlife yesterday, another squirrel, a turtle and these baby opossums. I should have never said aloud that I missed the little critters I took care of last year! They are cute, but a lot of work, oh, and did I mention messy! :)

Spent Monday taking pics of the adoptable kitties to go up on Petfinder while I was out in the enclosure. The gray tabby in this pic is Sundance (yep, he has a brother named Butch Cassidy). Don't know if you can see it that well, but he has a huge lump on the side of his neck that gave us a scare. At first the vet and I thought it was an abcess, but when antibiotics didn't do anything for it, she suspected the worse; lymphoma. But it's not, just swollen lymph nodes, thank goodness! He's still on clavamox, but it's a rare disorder (my cats naturally have the unusual stuff) so the treatment will either be nothing or start him on prednisone. He's still doing great, so at least that's a relief!


T said...

Aww, the little baby opossums are so darling!! I bet they are messy, but too cute not to love!

All the kitties are adorable, but I really like Sundance, of course you know I am a sucker for any special needs kitty and with the swollen lymphnodes, well, that just makes him special:)

Anonymous said...

Those possum babies are so ugly, they're cute. You had to open your mouth though, didn't you? ;)

Sure hope Sundance's treatment works and you don't have to try something else ::crosses fingers::

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