Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rants and Rescue

Been a while since I posted, just keeping busy at work and home, and even taking a little time indulging in my favorite pasttime of being a lazy slug. I know, bad me. Have been getting some things done though, went to visit my mom last weekend, been fixing up the cat house (snicker) for the coming cold weather, redecorating my office, talking to long-distance friends on the phone, etc. I've promised myself I'll write some tonight, maybe even finish a long ago started story that just won't end. LOL!

I recently found a really cool rescue in my state (although a few hundred miles away) called A Place to Bark (see blog link at right). It's inspired me to get things in order so I can start my rescue efforts again full force. I still have cats for adoption, but I haven't fostered kittens in over a year and I miss that. I've probably placed or helped place over 100 cats/kittens in the last few years and while I love doing it, it does take its toll on not only my time, but on my emotional resources as well. It's mentally and physically draining when I already have my own house cats and an outdoor sanctuary with 24 cats either for adoption or in permanent residence because they're not adoptable. I still plan to file for my tax exemption status as soon as I can find someone to help with the paperwork (I'm totally lost when it comes to red tape!)

This time I want to focus on spay/neuter and PREVENTING all the puppies and kittens instead of trying to plug up the Titanic with a wad of Juicy Fruit, IYKWIM. I want to call all the 'free to good home' ads and be able to take their kittens/puppies to place on the condition that the momma gets spayed. It amazes me that in this day and time that people are still ignorant to the importance of fixing their pets. And since I work in a vet's office in Tennessee I sometimes see good-ole boys who inform us with a hauty voice that "No, I never neuter my dogs." Somebody call the village cuz they're missing another idiot.

Now, I have to stay calm despite what I'm screaming inside my head because calling them ignorant twits doesn't do any good, despite how wonderful it might make me feel. Not only for the sake of my job, but for the sake of the animal in this moron's hands. I'm sweet as pie and ask if they plan to breed him, if yes then I ask if he has homes for them already. Eventually I mention that there are tons of (insert Chow, Pitbull, Lab, etc.) at the local pound that he might like to foster and find good homes for too if he's that successful at placing them. If they say they aren't going to breed Buster, then I laugh and say something to the effect of 'wow, that must be frustrating for Buster, I take it he barks a LOT.'

The excuses are also frightening: 'it's not natural' (and killing thousands of unwanted animals a day is???); 'I don't want to deny them the joy of parenting' (are you seriously kidding me??? They don't care, honestly, they don't. And if you still want to believe it, then how do you rationalize taking away their babies at 8 weeks?); 'I wouldn't want anyone doing that (neutering) to me!'(Again, he doesn't care, and the dog/cat's nuts are not linked to yours. Empathy is fine, but in this case it's just stupid to equate your pet's testicles to your manhood); and my favorite, 'he/she is a purebred' (So? Try taking a look in the shelters and count the purebreds. It'll make your head spin how many people get a puppy and abandon it before it's a year old).

It also amazes me how many people swear they keep their intact animals inside, but correct me if I'm wrong, but the overpopulation problem isn't coming from the s/n pets. Seriously, I do try to get my point across without sounding condesending or judgemental. Sometimes that's all it takes for people to stop and think and every now and then the light bulb goes off and they finally get it.

Whew! Sorry, rant over for now. Now I definitely feel better. LOL! Oh, and the pics are some of the fosters that have come through my rescue. Adorable!


T said...

Hooray for you Katt! I could not of said that any better.

I always feel we can do much better by being diplomatic. In fact, I am often called too diplomatic, but that seems to be the one way I can get through to people, not all the time, and sometimes, you just give up and have to be mean. Put all our feelings aside, and try to be miss nicey nice to all the idiots out there makes me cringe sometimes, but if thats what it takes....

We just had another senior dog dumped at our local shelter because the owner said he wants a puppy now, ARGH, WTH? They just keep coming up with more excuses.

By the way, we are all entitled to being lazy sometimes. Like you said, rescue, what you do, and what I do, isn't just physically exhausting and challenging, but it is very MENTALLY exhausting and challenging.

Love the kitty pics.

Betty said...

Enjoyed the pictures; totally agree with you about s/n! I just loved it when someone would come into our local shelter to retrieve their intact dog from impound; when I asked if they would consider neutering, the answer would invariably be, "Oh, he NEVER gets out." I just wanted to grab them by the shoulders and say, "Then what's he doing HERE?!" Of course, I didn't; but, it took a lot of restraint!

Thanks for all you are doing. Take care.

Bernie Berlin said...

Thanks so much for the link!!! Yes, the paperwork stuff is a drag:( But unfortunately a necessary evil.
Congrats to you for doing rescue!!! We need everyone we can get!!
My Best to you,

Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty